STV (8)

Submit your Company

Let's keep in touch, complete the form below to submit your company. We believe in synergies and we have good memory, so if we can't help you now, submit anyway your company, we will not forget you.
Select the core sector which best applies to your company.
Select the sub-sector in which you operate (A-Aerospace/S-Security), if multiple sub-sectors apply to your business, select the category for which you need STV support and you think its gonna be your main focus in the next 5 years.
If necessary and verified, please indicate the TRL of your technology.
Consider the amount to date of all the financial support by external sources (ex. FFF, Institutional Grant, etc...)
Brief description of your company. Focus on your technology and its industrial application.
The financial resource sought.
Summarize the areas to be implemented with STV investment.
Upload your investor deck, file must be in PDF or PPTX format, only.
File must be in PDF or DOCX format, only. Maximum length of three pages